• “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Suess

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Neil Snow Forsyth's birthday came in August - along with a host of others!  Invariably the Forsyth clan (in partial or full force) might be found at a park for that celebration.  As he aged, and lived with us, it was most often at the Kimball Park: lots of fun times with cousins, Aunts and Uncles and other extended relatives by the dozens. We didn't ever do much - roast a wiener (after finding a stick to cut for it) and a few marshmallows - there was always plenty of potluck food. We also might play Red Rover, tag or a bit of softball perhaps, have some races, or later on some 'Run-Sheepy-Run'.  If it was warm wade in the St. Mary's river a bit.

 I believe some of the pictures here are taken on or near Grandpa's birthday over the years. My Uncle Duane and my Aunt Ruth both were shutterbugs.  This first one is taken about 1959 - can you spot me top right?
Think Hendrix ...

I knew all my grandparents, (living great grandparents and some of their siblings) Aunts and Uncles fairly well; both the Campbells and the Forsyths - no easy feat for a child to know about 50 adults by name. Now the cousins - that was asking a little much - I knew a few names of those near my age and a few that were the age of one or another of my siblings. As I got older I knew more of their names.

And here is a lot of the same bunch of us all again about 1974 (Tad is the baby I am holding).  The Hatches and the Snows also had reunions every few years so it seemed like we were going to a reunion every year somewhere or other and dad's family were there at those when not having their own - to which the Hatches and Snows were always invited. Invariably there would be some shirt-tail cousin or uncle/aunt being introduced. Many are my memories of jokes and songs around an evening campfire - especially songs.  We always sang and sang and sang. Aunt Verna usually played the guitar and/or accordion.  Now that fascinated me! Boy oh boy would I have loved to get my hands on that! The older boys had one they tried to play at one time but I never did get to really try it.

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