More happiness is sought, by almost everyone.
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Mosiah 4:19-20 “Are we not all beggars? |
When people are happy, they are more productive employees, so many employers provide seminars describing how to be happy. In 2013, at work, I watched a video about happiness.
There are dozens of other perspectives.
Something seldom mentioned, however, is asking God.
He can tell us how to find eternal happiness.
Talking to God is called prayer.
God answers prayers as the thoughts in a mind and the feelings in a heart agree. He answers to give us happiness.
He also provides answers through prophets and scripture.
In the Bible, James, an apostle of Jesus Christ taught, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
(James 1:5, King James Bible.)
A generous, kind Father in Heaven promises to answer our questions, and to unerringly guide us how to find, have, and enjoy continuing happiness. His plan is for happiness.
Do you doubt God’s reality?
Ask him, “Are you real? Do you exist?”
It is a great question. He will answer you.
Remember you are talking with a loving father. He created each of us. We are his children. Remember also, that he knows all and is not deceived, so ask sincerely.
I have asked. I witness that God does exist, and that he answers his children. He wants to help us be happy.
I have also asked about my existence and purpose.
I have learned about God’s plan; a plan of mercy, resurrection, redemption, and happiness (Book of Mormon, Alma 42:16).
The “Plan of Happiness” is for every human, each mortal being. It comes to mortals through Jesus Christ, God’s own begotten son. “God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9).
Quentin L Cook, an apostle in our time, teaches that "... because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all spirits blessed by birth will ultimately be resurrected, spirit and body reunited, and inherit kingdoms of glory that are superior to our existence here on earth."

Elder Cook's April 2009 General Conference talk is titled Our Father's Plan - Big Enough For All His Children. Truly all people (except a very, very few [i] ) will receive this gift of joyous life from Jesus Christ. We all die but we all will live again and will live in conditions "superior to our existence here on earth."
Those conditions will be mostly of our own choosing. We make choices here on earth about that happiness and what we desire, and there we will live with all the joy we truly desire. Even those that are NOT always completely obedient[ii] to God, here in mortality, will eventually have a place of glory there greater than this earth!
Each of us will live after death as the scriptures and prophets teach. There is hope and happiness for every one of us. We can not begin to comprehend this promise of happiness and exceeding joy.
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Do we realize the hope for the REALITY of enduring happiness? |
God made the universe, this world, and our first parents, Adam and Eve. He made them to be together, and commanded them to remain together. Marriage, a man and a woman raising a family together, was created and defined by God. It is an essential part of enduring happiness.
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The Introduction, Nathan Greene |
(The Family, A Proclamation to the World).
God wants us to be happy. He tells us how to increase happiness, and have more lasting joy. Like most opportunities with enticing potential, this greater promise has conditions to be met and penalties to be avoided.
When a man and a woman are united in marriage as God commanded, the blessings promised are exponentially more than is possible in any other way.
“Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear,” an April 2017 general conference talk explains God’s mercy and love:
“The more I come to know my Heavenly Father, the more I see how He inspires and leads His children. He is not angry, vengeful, or retaliatory.[iii] His very purpose—His work and His glory—is to mentor us, exalt us, and lead us to His fulness.[iv]
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(Christ) Rescue of the Lost Lamb, by Minerva K. Teichert (video: Parable of the Lost Sheep) |
"God described Himself to Moses as 'merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.'[v]
"Our Father in Heaven’s love for us, His children, surpasses by far our ability to comprehend.[vi]
"Does this mean that God condones or overlooks behaviors that run contrary to His commands? No, definitely not!
"But He wants to change more than just our behaviors. He wants to change our very natures. He wants to change our hearts.
"He wants us to reach out and take firm hold of the iron rod [his word], confront our fears, and bravely step forward and upward along the strait and narrow path. He wants this for us because He loves us and because this is the way to happiness.
"So, how does God motivate His children to follow Him in our day?
"He sent His Son!"(President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2017).
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"The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ's Birth" by Harry Anderson.
"God sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to show us the right way.
“God motivates through persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, and love unfeigned.[vii] God is on our side. He loves us, and when we stumble, He wants us to rise up, try again, and become stronger. . . .
“ 'God knows you perfectly. He loves you perfectly. He knows what your future holds. He wants you to 'be not afraid, only believe'[viii] and 'abide in his [perfect] love'[ix] (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2017).
He has a plan. His plan is for ALL of his children to be happy.
[i] Doctrine and Covenants 76:32-37
[ii]Doctrine and Covenants 76: 81-86
[iii] On one occasion, the Savior wanted to enter a village of the Samaritans, but the people rejected Jesus and would not receive Him into their village. Two of His disciples were deeply offended by this and asked, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” Jesus answered with this caution: “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” (see Luke 9:51–56, New King James Version [1982]).
[iv] See Moses 1:39; see also Ephesians 3:19.
[v] Exodus 34:6.
[vi] See Ephesians 3:19.
[vii] See Doctrine and Covenants 121:41. Surely if God expects us, His mortal children, to behave this way toward each other, He—a perfect being possessed of every virtue—would be the model for such behavior.
[viii] Mark 5:36
[ix] John 15:10.