Can you divide 100 by 10?
Simple right? Just take off a zero - eh?
That's nothin' - bwahhahahahhhh!!!
Happy 10th birthday!
Age 10 is such a great age to be!
Do you think you can live to be 10 X 10?
Many people live to be 100 years old!
They take care of themselves by eating the right balance of nutritious food and doing something physically active every day. My father's brother Ken had his 96th birthday in September. You would like him. He likes jokes and pranks, kind of like you. He is a good example to me of being healthy. In less than 4 years he will be 100 years old.
I am almost 6 X 10.
I am surprised.
That is more than 1/2 of 10 X 10.
How old will you be when I am 100?
Dropkick, or Selena Gomez
It’s drizzling rain, and in the half-light of late afternoon, streetlights
are stuttering on in twos and threes. The students straggling out of
7 years ago