• “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Suess

Monday, January 1, 2024

Basic Basics 123123

 2023 is over - officially now past!

It ended last night with booming neighborhood fireworks, and a fun number sequence - 12/31/23

- 123 is about as basic as numbers get. Do you remember learning to count? Read? Write? Pray?

I ponder my new calendar - all the days, weeks, months!

Another whole year began today, 01/01/2024 - and let's skip the complications of prime and exponential numbers - K? (There should be some great ones this year.) News rumors climate change, wars, and disasters in full swing with the bells of the New Year. Are those basics? 

And the universe is churning out meteor showers (beginning almost immediately - talk about fireworks) before leading to a total eclipse of the sun 08 April. (I well remember the multiplied shadows from the recent past.)

We can get as complicated as anyone wishes to be, or focus on basics - like 01/01, first day, first month and first chance to consider what basics I want for the rest of the year ...

I think I'll go thumb through the new calendar Santa brought ... and mark it, highlight it, and place notations and reminders of your birthday and mine ... yes you - I care if your birthday and other special days are nice, and I pray they are. If I can do nothing else I can talk with God - about anything, and everything! And I do! 

THAT is as basic as basics will ever get - pray every day - every single day - every month, every year.

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