• “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Suess

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"Doing nothing is the hardest work of all,
 because one can never stop to rest."

I enjoy work-
of all kinds.
I have endured forced rest.
There is, in that, a mental and spiritual work.
I think I prefer physical work.

Work is a capacity to do and learn.
Work is developing, growing, serving, becoming.
All work is important.

My parents taught us to work.
They also taught us about rest - 
idleness and laziness.  

"Can't is a sluggard to lazy to try."
"Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
"The only thing wrong with doing nothing is that you never know when you're finished."
"By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat ..."
"The idle shall not eat the bread [of the worker]..."

I think I heard such cliched sayings from not only my parents and grandparents but also our neighbors and religious leaders too. I am grateful for their wisdom, instructions and examples.

One the over arching philosophies guiding my life is striving for balance - but I never feel it is quite achieved. Intense curiosity fuels tangents of fervor-ed action on changing, ever rearranged fronts and diversions.

I will never be a concert pianist because I am too busy learning about too many things to diligently apply the principles and acquire the skills practice might confer. I will also never be a softball champion, an Olympic swimmer or Slalom Skier or even a consistent 4.0 student.  Life distracts me.

I admire those that can focus their energies and desires to achieve greatness and acclaim - and I understand and sympathize with those that dabble in multiple disciplines.

(It can also be difficult to accept developed talents or successful achievements -searches out more learning, more action and practice possible, and principles I haven't attempted or applied yet.  I clearly see my fallibilities and understand the impossibility of ever completely learning or achieving all theoretical probabilities.)

 I, - ssssiiiiigggghh,
consider all I can't do,
and plod along attempting what I can -
AND trying to prioritize and organize my efforts
 to achieve and complete valid useful results.

Work can be grinding and discouraging.

I was also taught to rest.

I am grateful for the fun and the examples
those same adults were of rest - after diligent hard work.
Fireside sing-a-longs.
Monopoly or Rook.
Quiet reading.
And the Sabbath ...

One day of each 7 to seek the perspective, refreshment, and renewed vigor needed to resume the ongoing struggles of mental, physical and spiritual self. These, work and rest, have no real division for me as each affects and effects all else.

Scripture records the example of God -
about work and rest -
and about the results of each.

"And on the seventh day I, God, ended my work ... and I rested on the seventh day from all my work, ... and I, God, saw that they were good; ..." Moses 3:2

 In the Bible and other revealed words from prophets we learn God works, he rests, and about what he accomplishes (it is good).

My work gives greater meaning and enjoyment to my rest.

God commands man to work.
None of us seem surprised by that.
We accept that necessity
and can choose to enjoy work.

He also commands us to rest -
and set an example of doing so.

So why do I ever try to do anything except that on Sundays?
If I accept the one commandment then why not the other?

Can I choose to rest?
Truly rest?
Seek His refuge, and his love,
his solace and comfort
and blessings?

Each commandment promises 'good' - blessings for obedience.
What are the blessings of rest?
Of keeping the Sabbath?