• “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Suess

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Most of my children don't swim a lot.

I don't either.
I love water.
I just don't want my face in it. 

I love swimming though -
but really, well I just paddle ...

Ask me someday and I will explain.
Nature or Nuture ...
Whatever - some like the water better than others.
One of my daughters graduated from high school with an immaculate 4.0 at the top of her class. She designed her own grad announcement and said she had barely gotten her feet wet. 

This week she posted on her blog a bit of her schedule (and it doesn't take into account her family schedule or her church callings - you know 'spare time'). I think she may have wet feet! I think she is swimming now. I pray she knows how to float. Sometimes we just have to float a little in life – stop swimming and just tread water or float. We are still in the water, and still on course AND we just need a short rest.

Her birthday is this week.
I think I’ll take supper over.
We’ll see if that ‘floats’.