• “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Dr. Suess

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I know a man that can easily bypass or open most locks.
He says, "Locks are to keep honest people honest."

An interesting side note is that this man IS an honest person.
He uses his skill with understanding to help and bless others.

We went to the Fair today.
We decided to avoid the parking hassle and took a bus.

The bus dropped Fair passengers off at the 'Purple Gate' and the driver emphasized to each one to notice the purple flag and sign - that is the place the bus will come to again to pick up passengers. The 'purple gates' - (actually there were 2 - a smaller pedestrian gate and a larger gate across the street entry for autos) were open and we entered to enjoy our day at the fair.

When we decided to return home the gates were both chained and locked.  We discovered it was necessary to walk to another exit and then back to that bus stop - irritating but very easy to do.  Another couple were also trying to catch the bus - she was in a motorized wheel chair.

The bus did not come as scheduled and the bus stop was in the sunny open, surrounded by pavement and gravel.  We were very glad for the tiny bits of shade provided by our hats, long pants and sleeves and even each other. We were also very glad we had water with us.

While we waited for the bus we noticed some one with keys (or combinations) open the gates several times to permit people or trucks to pass. As I watched the process several times I thought about fences and doors, locks and keys.

Those with keys and knowledge, to lock and unlock, have comforts, greater convenience and more access than those that do not. Their choices and the time to act on the choices increase. We waited a long time for a bus.

As I listened to the woman in the wheelchair I remembered again what a privilege it is to have a healthy functional body. As we drove away from the fairgrounds the bus seat provided an elevated view of the parking lot.  There were acres of cars.  Each driver has a set of keys that gives them privilege, convenience, choice and comfort unavailable to someone without a car.

We chose to take a bus but later wished for our car. Many choices are like that. For whatever reason, whether faulty information or faulty reasoning, we do something we later regret. It's nice to know that next time we can choose to take our car.

Bus rides can be long and a bit tedious.  People-watching can provide mind fodder.  There are many kinds of keys and locks.  Some are mostly in the mind such as societal mores and taboos. Some, like the locks and fences of prisons, are imposed physically. Each has purpose and intrinsic meanings and uses.

A statement by Boyd K Packer in 1992 startled me and remains to this day in my mind.

He said, "In the battle of life, the adversary takes enormous numbers of prisoners, and many who know of no way to escape and are pressed into his service. Every soul confined to a concentration camp of sin and guilt has a key to the gate.  The adversary cannot hold them if they know how to use it.  The key is labeled Repentance. The twin principles of repentance and forgiveness exceed in strength the awesome power of the adversary ... I know of no sins connected with the moral standard for which we cannot be forgiven.  I do not exempt abortion.

The formula is stated in forty words, "Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins - behold, he will confess them and forsake them." D&C 58:42-43

Isn't that nice to know?
We can choose change.
We can choose more happiness,
more comfort,
more health,
more freedom.

Hmmm ...
Where do I need to grasp and use such a key?